For my college Senior Project in Computer Engineering I took a Motorola 8100 processor chip and used it to create an automotive diagnostics tool.
The tool is quite large but that is do to the use of old technology. As you can see from the pictures, the circuit board was placed in a plastic box.
The front had a LCD screen and toggle switch mounted to it. The back has the various dials that simulate the signals a car would send to the unit.
As you can see in the picture of the ciruit board, all the wiring was done by hand, not soldered.
There is also much assembly code that had to be written to get this to work. You can view the code here.
For the Final Paper written for the project click here.
There was also a Visual Basic Program written to connect the board to a computer by serial cable and display the results in a scope. The VB program is here.
Click the follow links for the schematics to the ciruit board (Ciruit Board, AD Converter, LCD Screen)